Rowena Gilbert

University of Brighton : BA Honours Degree in Three Dimensional Crafts
Specialising in Ceramics and Polyester Resins/Plastics

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Artist Statement

My work has recently moved away from sculptural/figurative pieces, toward vessel forms as I have begun to consider the interplay between aesthetic and function. Function is something that did not interest me at first as I felt it was too over-powering, that the personal/emotional engagement with the piece became clouded by thoughts of usefulness. But within this role of ‘usefulness’, I realised a strong physical interaction could develop. I wanted my work to become more accessible, to be touched, moved and used. I felt that if I gave the work a domestic function, this usefulness would allow the viewer to regularly revisit it. I decided to simplify the form into something strong, simple, unfussy and essentially practical to encourage use and therefore physical interaction and continued dialogue. The open vessel-form would provide me with this function.

Although my work has changed a lot in form, the motivation remains constant. My work continues to explore our feelings about ourselves and our contemporary situation. My aim is to express the things that impact upon us internally; the tensions, jealousies, lusts, joys, sadness, and also to express the things that simulate us visually; nature and the landscape - externalising and recording these emotions by translating them into actions, and consequently into surface colour/decoration/mark.

The marks may be slow, deliberate and controlled; revisiting old ideas, thoughts and memories, or may be spontaneous gestures caused by reactions, moods and tensions. There is repetition with marks and similarities with pieces, just as days/moods can be similar to ones before, and yet each piece holds its own uniqueness, just as each day/feeling is never identical, each has its own story to tell.


Rowena Gilbert

University of Brighton : BA Honours Degree in Three Dimensional Crafts
Specialising in Ceramics and Polyester Resins/Plastics

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