Roza Ilgen

Winchester school of Art : BA Honours in Fine Art

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Artist Statement:


In the past, veiling was a social practice rather than religion. The veil and the woman have been in many political debates. The veil is often read by the West as ‘evidence’ of the need for a feminist struggle, and for many years, Western media and literature have portrayed covered women as the image of Islam.

‘The notion that something is lost in translation has become complemented by the idea that something else is created in the progress that inhabits the so called “third space”. (Homi Bhabba, The Location of culture)

To study art is an unusual choice for a woman who comes from the Kurdish part of Turkey. As an artist that comes from a Muslim country and has experienced half of her life in Europe ( Norway), I have a strong understanding and sympathy that puts me as well in this unique position called the ‘third space’. This position within the ‘third space’ does exist but it is very hard to depict.

Through my work I want to draw out new ways of viewing and understanding the discourse of culture and identity. My work is about being female, the role and status of a woman within the Kurdish/ Islamic society and living with Islamic traditions within western society. As an artist that comes from a Muslim country and has experienced half of my life in Europe I feel that I am placed within a ‘third space’. This space is very unique, it exists yet is hard to depict. Through my photographic work, I have used my self, as a way to express my personal issues; some of my photographic work has a stereotypical sense, in which there is truth. Not the truth but a truth. I have created awareness of my position and new ways of looking at feminism, culture and identity. Being in between two cultures is like being between past and present and belonging in both places and in neither. I have a strong understanding and sympathy of the problems that arise from the differences in between generations of this culture, such as ‘Honour killings’.

Through my installation I am exploring my identity and trying to find my self. Whilst in the installation I want my viewers to feel a sense of confusion and the frustration of living a double life. By using taboo materials such as bacon I have represented both being female but also the restraints of coming from an Islamic culture. In my video I have filmed myself out of my veil and within my “third space”. I am representing the invisible veil that always surrounds me, I rebelling against it by showing my hair. My video explores the issues of feminism whilst referencing my culture with both my nose piercing and sound. Each piece in the installation can be viewed separately but also connects and allows the viewer to interact by using mediums of sight, sound and smell.

Roza Ilgen

Winchester school of Art : BA Honours in Fine Art

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